Thom's blog
Was Fox News a news bubble for angry white men?
Is Jon Stewart single-handedly bringing down Fox News? According to the recent Nielsen ratings – the Daily Show averaged 2.3 million viewers – a 19% increase in the month of May alone – and a number that beats every single show on Fox except O’Reilly. But O’Reilly’s hold on the top may not last long either. His viewership dropped 9% last month – along with most of the other shows on Fox – especially Glenn Beck’s show that saw its ratings plummet 17%. Overall – Fox viewership is down 10%.
Fox had a Faux news bubble for angry white guys with their rants on guns, gays, and the war on Christmas. But now - those same angry white viewers are thinking about economic issues as they lose their jobs and homes - and Faux news' only solution is tax cuts for billionaires like Murdoch.
So even though the Daily Show is primarily a comedy show – as Jon Stewart himself often admits – more people are getting their news from Comedy Central than from Fox so-called News. It's a sad commentary on the state of American media when the battle for news dominance is between a right-wing propaganda outlet and a comedy channel.
(What do you think will happen to Fox? Tell us here.)
Tonight on The Big Picture on RT TV at 9pm and 11pm... It's all about the money...GOP's economic crash & burn (check your local listings for stations or stream at RT, and catch past shows on Youtube)
Need to Know: It's all about the money...GOP's economic crash & burn with John Nichols, The Nation Magazine 
Screwed: "Pop goes the weasel" the Fox News bubble about to burst? with Dan Gainor, Business and Media Institute 
The Best of the Rest of the News...
"It's a cruel, cruel summer"...employment blues? with David Selig, conservative commentator.
War on Labor...RN's call for Main Street Contract for America! with Jean Ross, RN, National Nurses United 
Crazy alert: Road Rage!
Daily Take: How happy are we...really?
Prominent peace and justice advocates have signed a letter in support of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) Afghanistan Withdrawal Resolution, to be delivered to the Senate Democratic Caucus as part of a June 7 Rally.
The Daily Stack 
Quote: "There is only one sort of genuine socialism, the democratic sort, by which I mean the organization of society for the benefit of the whole people" -- George Bernard Shaw (Irish socialist dramatist and critic).
Hour One: Who’s Pushing Granny over the Cliff? with Dr. Jane Orient, Executive Director, Association of American Physicians and Surgeons 
Latest on the war on Labor with John Nichols, Washington Correspondent - The Nation Magazine. 
Hour Two: Is the Fox News bubble about to burst? with Steve Malzberg, Host, The Steve Malzberg Show, 4-6pm ET Weekdays on WOR Newstalk Radio 710 
RNs Call for a Main Street Contract for America with Rose Ann DeMoro, Executive Director - National Nurses United 
Letter: " Thomas Jefferson to Spencer Roane", 6 Sept. 1819 " The constitution, on this hypothesis, is a mere thing of wax in the hands of the judiciary, which they may twist, and shape into any form they please."
Hour Three: Are working single moms to blame for having obese kids? with Carrie Lukas, Independent Women's Forum 
Site: " WIC" (Women, Infants and Children).
The bad: Thom Tillis : "" by North Carolina House Speaker guts education budget, then says teachers don’t care about kids.
Coming up Tuesday on The Thom Hartmann Program
Hour Two: Thom confronts Peter Ferrara of the American Civil Rights Union who says..."When it comes to health care, nothing beats good old fashioned American capitalism..." What?!
And, the best of the rest of the news and your calls right here on...
The Thom Hartmann Program... your media support group for we the people.
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On the Road Again
Jun 16 - Minneapolis, MN Show live from "Netroots Nation 2011". Jun 17 - Minneapolis, MN Show live from "Netroots Nation 2011". |
Thom's Poll
Is the Fox News Bubble for angry white men bursting?
Watch & Listen to Thom
Thom Hartmann: Does Obama have a secret weapon in the debt ceiling debate?
Thom Hartmann: The Big Picture Rumble - The debt ceiling & WeinerGate
Thom Hartmann: Conversations with Great Minds - Chuck Collins - Part 1 - Inequality 101
Thom Hartmann: Conversations with Great Minds - Chuck Collins - Part 2 - Inequality 101
Or watch the whole of Friday's "The Big Picture".
Full Show 6/3/11 Conversation with Great Minds and the Weekly Rumble
Chuck Collins, a senior scholar at the Institute for Policy Studies joins Thom for the first half of the show. He discusses one of his books which he co-authored titled "Wealth and Our Commonwealth: Why America Should Tax Accumulated Fortunes", which highlights the growing problem of wealth inequality in America. Later in the show, Thom and his panel of political experts discusses the biggest news topics in the Weekly Rumble.
Thom Hartmann on the News - June 06, 2011
Thom Hartmann vs Steve Malzberg: Is the Fox News bubble about to burst?
Thom Hartmann: Who's Pushing Granny over the Cliff?
Thom and Louise Hartmann founded the New England Salem Children's Village (NESCV) in New Hampshire in 1979. With states delaying payment for the children they entrust to the village, they need help with cash flow. Can you help? Now on Facebook.