You need to know this. A budget isn't just numbers - it's a statement of morality and our values. And conservatives are showing their true colors. Republicans will likely vote on Paul Ryan’s budget this week, benefitting only the top 1% of Americans, that sells off Medicare to for-profit health insurance company leeches – hands an enormous tax cut to millionaires and billionaires – and sinks our nation deeper into debt – but that’s not stepping Progressives in the House from introducing their own budget – one that serves the other 99% of the American people.
The Progressive budget saves money by ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan – ending taxpayers subsidies to transnational oil corporations – closing tax loopholes – raising the estate tax on the super rich – ending the bush tax cuts – and adding a surtax on millionaires in America. With that extra money – Progressives will invest in 1.45 trillion into job creation, green energy, and education, as well as create a public health insurance option. Unlike the Republican budget proposal – the Congressional Budget Office reports that the Progressive budget will eliminate our nation’s deficit entirely by 2040.
The choice for the American people couldn’t be any clearer with these two budgets – we can take the Republican road to ruin – or the Progressive road to prosperity?