Who’s screwed? 9/11 first responders. More signs that the Republicans are still exploiting 9/11 to hurt working people and help the rich. First responders who finally are going to receive the healthcare they need - after Republicans were shamed into dropping their filibuster of the 9/11 First Responders Health bill last year - are discovering that Republican Cliff Stearns was able to add an amendment to the bill that would require all 9/11 first responders to be screened for terrorist ties before they can receive any health services.
That’s right – Republicans want to make sure that the men and women who are coughing up blood today because they devoted themselves ten years ago to sifting through he wreckage of the World Trade Center to desperately find survivors now have to go through months or even years of security checks before they can get a health exam and treatment.
What’s next? "Were you ever a communist" questions for Medicare recipients?