You need to know this. Republicans aren’t off to the best start in their reign as majority in the House of Representatives. To begin with – their promise to cut $100 billion in spending this year has already been whittled down to about $50 billion. Even that number may be hard to achieve, given that the Congressional Budget Office released a report yesterday saying the GOP’s healthcare repeal efforts will add $230 billion to the deficit. Republicans are pushing forward with the budget busting measure anyway. Republican Congressman Pete Sessions offered the motion to repeal Obamacare in the House Rules Committee – the only problem was – Sessions wasn’t officially a Member of Congress yet. He and Republican Mike Fitzpatrick missed the swearing in ceremony – instead choosing to attend a lobbyist fundraiser. The GOP leadership is now trying to find a way to resolve the issue. On top of all that – the Republicans were unsuccessful in their first pledge as the majority – to read the entire Constitution aloud on the House floor. First, they read an edited version. On top of that, one Republican accidently turned two pages at once – skipping two sections of the Constitution. After screwing that up – let’s just say the bar is set pretty low for GOP leadership over the next two years.