This is judicial corruption at it’s worst, and these men should be impeached or prosecuted

Last week – Common Cause petitioned the Department of Justice to look into possible improprieties on the part of Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas and Antonin Scalia for not recusing themselves from the Citizens United decision. Both Justices had headlined speaking events at political strategy sessions hosted by the billionaire Koch brothers – brothers who certainly benefit from the Citizens United decision. Now – thanks to reporting from Think Progress’s Lee Fong – we can throw Justice Samuel Alito into the mix too. Last year – Alito was the headline speaker at a fundraising event hosted by the Manhattan Institute – a right-wing think tank funded by big corporations like Exxon and CIGNA. So here we have 3 Supreme Court Justices headlining political fundraising events for organizations and corporations that benefited directly from the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision last year. This is judicial corruption at it’s worst, and these men should be impeached or prosecuted.

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