Thom's blog - Monday December 20th, 2010

You need to know this. Progressives and defenders of civil rights celebrated over the weekend when the US Senate succeeded in passing “Don’t Ask, Don’t tell” repeal legislation. 8 Republicans ended up voting in support of the measure after weeks of a near unified filibuster – showing politics not policy was the main reason for opposition. The President is expected to sign the bill this week. Still though – “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” will remain the official policy in the military until the Pentagon, the President and the Joint Chiefs of Staff issue a certification that repeal will not negatively affect the readiness or effectiveness of the armed forces. Even after certification – it could be as long as 60 days before repeal actually takes place. Still – this is a major civil rights victory – and history will judge those Republicans who stood in the way.

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From Cracking the Code:
"Thom Hartmann ought to be bronzed. His new book sets off from the same high plane as the last and offers explicit tools and how-to advice that will allow you to see, hear, and feel propaganda when it's directed at you and use the same techniques to refute it. His book would make a deaf-mute a better communicator. I want him on my reading table every day, and if you try one of his books, so will you."
Peter Coyote, actor and author of Sleeping Where I Fall
From The Thom Hartmann Reader:
"In an age rife with media-inspired confusion and political cowardice, we yearn for a decent, caring, deeply human soul whose grasp of the problems confronting us provides a light by which we can make our way through the quagmire of lies, distortions, pandering, and hollow self-puffery that strips the American Dream of its promise. How lucky we are, then, to have access to the wit, wisdom, and willingness of Thom Hartmann, who shares with us here that very light, grown out of his own life experience."
Mike Farrell, actor, political activist, and author of Just Call Me Mike and Of Mule and Man
From Screwed:
"Hartmann speaks with the straight talking clarity and brilliance of a modern day Tom Paine as he exposes the intentional and systematic destruction of America’s middle class by an alliance of political con artists and outlines a program to restore it. This is Hartmann at his best. Essential reading for those interested in restoring the institution that made America the envy of the world."
David C. Korten, author of The Great Turning and When Corporations Rule the World