Thom's blog - Wednesday November 10th, 2010

You need to know this about our nation’s grim labor market. In Florida – a cash strapped mother of a newborn tried to sell her baby for $30,000 to pay off legal bills and buy a new car. Luckily the person she tried to make the sale to was an undercover cop and she was arrested. This case highlights a disturbing situation in our country though. Welcome to America – the home of a desperate underclass with no hope of finding a job. According to a new study by the Bureau of Labor and Statistics – there were 2.9 million available jobs in September – unfortunately there were nearly 15 million people unemployed. That means there is only 1 job available for every 5 people looking. Yet Reuters is reporting that companies have plenty of money to start hiring – with over $1 trillion dollars in cash on hand – they just aren’t doing it. That’s because the Chamber of Commerce and their allies in the Republican Party continue to promote job outsourcing. Thanks to Republicans, if you want a good American job? Move to India.

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

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