Thom's blog - Tuesday November 30th, 2010

You need to know this. We are now seeing the second attack on net neutrality from the same company - Comcast. Level 3 Communications – an Internet company that carries Netflix’s streaming movie service - was hit with what it called an unfair fee by Comcast for sending data across the Internet. Thomas Stortz – Level 3’s chief legal officer said - "Comcast is effectively putting up a toll booth at the borders of its broadband Internet access network." If so - this would go directly against the FCC’s rule preventing Internet Service Providers from deciding on which type of web traffic they want to administer. It would also prove the lie of those who say the Internet is still free and wide-open and therefore legislation and government oversight is not needed. With Comcast on the verge of receiving federal approval to buyout NBC – we could see an avalanche of restrictions placed on Internet data by Comcast. If Comcast isn't stopped soon and suddenly by Congress or the Obama Administration, free and open Internet may be a thing of the past.

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