Thom's blog
Are we seeing a repeat of the brownshirts?
You Need to know this! An ugly scene took place outside the Kentucky Senatorial debate Monday night. A man who appears to be supporter of Republican candidate Rand Paul was captured on TV by a local news affiliate literally stomping the head of a member of into the pavement. The MoveOn volunteer, Lauren Valle, went to the hospital and was still there last night, according to another MoveOn member. According to a local TV station, Valle had attempted to approach Rand Paul before the debate took place, dressed in a blonde wig and with a "RepublicanCorp" sign seemingly to mock him. Attendees around Valle are heard screaming, "get the cops" as cameras captured her being dragged to the pavement by her sweater. Once on the ground a man wearing white sneakers stomped on her head. The police say they are reviewing news footage and they "are hoping someone can identify who the person is" who committed the assault. I know Glenn Beck irresponsibly throws around the word "Nazi" - he did it again yesterday - to describe liberals. But it's worth noting that Hitler's early supporters, during his beer-hall days when he was running for office, were famous for beating up supporters of his political opponents. If you read William Shirer's "Rise And Fall of the Third Reich," you'll find eerie parallels - from the authoritarian candidates like Paul and Miller, to the violent rhetoric of Palin and McCain, to the brutal supporters of these candidates - with Hitler's early unpaid volunteer supporters who proudly called themselves "the Brownshirts."
"If you're looking for something that connects the dots between the BP oil disaster, the harm it's done to the Gulf of Mexico and the people paying the price, this book is it. In a clear and compelling voice, it explains the worst environmental catastrophe of our time, then shows the way forward to protect this national treasure, safeguard our future and break our destructive addiction to oil."
Thom and Louise Hartmann founded the New England Salem Children's Village in New Hampshire in 1979. With states delaying payment for the children they entrust to the village, they need help with cash flow urgently. Please help if you can.
Watch Thom's new show on the RT channel called the Big Picture, or stream it live from 9 to 10pm, and it repeats at 11. You can catch the shows you have missed on Youtube.
Tonight: Have the tea partiers become like Cyberdyne's Skynet in The Terminator? |
The Daily Stack 
Quote: "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people." -- John F. Kennedy.
Hour One: Have the tea partiers become like Cyberdyne's Skynet in The Terminator?
Hour Two: Alaska's senate race heats up - Thom talks with Alaska Senator Mark Begich about his thoughts on the race. Mayor to Mayor...why does Scott McAdams make sense for Alaska?
Plus, it's a 3-way race - Alaska candidate for U.S. Senate Scott McAdams joins Thom. Why this is one 3-way we just don't like?!
Hour Three: Do things go better with Koch? Thom asks Michael Barone,Senior Political Analyst for the Washington Examiner, Resident Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute.
"Scary New Wage Data" That's what was discovered by David Cay Johnston, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist; author of two bestsellers on taxes, Perfectly Legal and Free Lunch and forthcoming in 2011 The Fine Print.
Plus, 'Taking our Country Back' Bill Hedrick, who is in a tight race for Congress against Republican Ken Calvert (D-CA, 44th District), talks about his campaign.
Coming up on The Thom Hartmann Program
Hour One: It's a special Wednesday edition of "Brunch With Bernie"... the honorable Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) will be here with all the news from our nation's capitol and as always he'll be spending the hour taking your calls and answering your questions too...
Hour Two: where did the real "fair and balanced" news media go?, Thom has a rumble with Dan Gainor, Vice President & T. Boone Pickens Free Market Fellow at the Business and Media Institute.
And, the best of the rest of the news and your calls right here on...
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Enforce the Sherman Anti-Trust Act - return to trust busting
When Reagan stopped enforcing the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890, the result was an explosion of mergers and acquisitions by the “smart” people. Small- and medium-sized businesses were eaten alive by giant behemoths. Mom-and-pop shops went out of business left and right, as did small manufacturing and support companies. All were replaced by national chains, which brought in products from out of town, outsourced their accounting and other back-office work to national headquarters, and every night vacuumed up all the cash they’d collected locally.
This is only the second time in American history when we’ve faced such a concentration of wealth and power, of business and money, and of the political control that flows from it, and the first time it’s been extended to the retail sector. The previous time was in the late 1800s, when J.P. Morgan came to dominate most of the American business landscape (it was called “Morganizing” back then), competing with a small handful of oligarchs like J.D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie. When Theodore Roosevelt became president in 1901, he set out to break up these cartels, earning himself the moniker of “Teddy the Trustbuster.”
Today we need a new trustbuster.
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"Live to Tell" - Lisa Gardner's new fiction novel that mysteriously relates to Thom
Dr. George Watson says he will accept chickens as payment for healthcare.
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