Quote of the Day: All of us do not have equal talent, but all of us should have an equal opportunity to develop our talent. -- John F. Kennedy
Hour One: Need to know...does FOX News have blood on their hands and should they remove news from their name? Plus, Labor Segment - How are Unions helping to keep kids engaged in the classroom? Dennis Van Roekel, President of the National Education Association, will be here www.nea.org
Hour Two: Why are more people dying from inquality in America than in other industrialized nations? Thom talks with journalist T.R. Reid, author of the newly revised edition of "The Healing of America: A Global Quest for Better, Cheaper and Fairer Health Care" www.trreid.net; Plus, equality vs. inequality...free market health care or European style socialized medicine...which saves more lives? Thom challenges Sally Pipes, President/CEO of the Pacific Research Institute and author of the new book "The Truth About Obamacare" www.pacificresearch.org
Hour Three: Towns are now selling off your tax bills...what's next?! Plus, is the first corporation to run for congress, Murray Hill Inc., supporting the best congress money can buy?! "Designated Human" Eric Hensal will be here with the latest on the campaign http://murrayhillincforcongress.com