Quote of the Day: “Every man is surrounded by a neighborhood of voluntary spies.” Jane Austen
Hour One: Hell no, WTO!! Putin's talking tariffs, why won't Obama?
Hour Two: Why are the rich protected from government snooping when the rest of us aren't? Thom has a rumble with Paul Rosenzweig of the Heritage Foundation www.heritage.org; Plus, It's started. How long before they tattoo your GPS on your forehead? Louis Park, CEO of SecureRF Corporation will be here www.securerf.com
Hour Three: What secrets are CEO's keeping and why do they want to keep them from you and me? Thom mixes it up with Don Watkins of the Ayn Rand Insitute www.aynrand.org; Plus, "Did the Mob Kill JFK?" - JFK Historian Lamar Waldron, co-author (with Thom) of "Ultimate Sacrifice" and "Legacy of Secrecy" will be here www.legacyofserecy.com