Quote of the Day: Racism is man's gravest threat to man - the maximum of hatred for a minimum of reason. ~Abraham Joshua Heschel
Hour One: What is Christianity...was MLK's version closer to the truth than Glenn Beck's? - Demos Scholar Rich Benjamin will be here www.richbenjamin.com; Plus, Martin Luther King and liberation theology...how did Glen Beck get it so wrong? - Joe Madison, host of Madison The Black Eagle weekdays on XM's The Power, channel 169
Hour Two: What could SDS have become if it had 2 billionaires and full time TV network behind it and how different would America be as a result? Activist Tom Hayden will be here http://tomhayden.com; Plus, Is Glenn Beck the anti-christ? Bill Keller, founder of the 9/11 Christian Center will be here www.911christiancenter.com
Hour Three: Hurricane Katrina - did the New Orleans police get away with murder on Bush's watch? Propublica investigative journalist A.C. Thompson will be here www.propublica.org