By SueN
- Guests:
- Kevin Zeese, Attorney, political activist, Executive Director of Prosperity Agenda. He writes for Counterpunch and is the author of several books.
- Rick Amato, Conservative talk host and tea party activist.
- Madeleine Pickens of Saving America's Mustangs.
- Jerry Reynoldson, spokesperson for Saving America's Mustangs.
- D.O.I.'s Bureau of Land Management Nevada State Director Ron Wenker.
- Senator Mary Landrieu
- Topics:
- Should Andrew Breitbart be sued for libel over the Shirley Sherrod firing?
- Why does the tea party movement want to destroy the middle class?
- Geeky Science Rocks!
- Now that they've destroyed the Gulf, is BP slaughtering the West's wild horses?
- What the Government says about the mustangs and the impact of the Ruby Pipeline project
- Why are the Republicans stonewalling her bill to help small businesses create jobs?
- Bumper Music:
- Defy You, The Offspring.
- Lady Loop, Animal Liberation Orchestra.
- The Twilight Zone, Marius Constant.
- Take a Minute, K'Naan.
- Science Rocks!, Rock Chick & Science Geek.
- Tea Partay, Prep-Unit.
- Crazy, Gnarls Barkley.
- It's Time To Party.
- Black Horse & The Cherry Tree, KT Tunstall.
- Grand Canyon, Dmitriy Lukyanov (you need to search for it) (with additional sounds by Jacob).
- I'm taking my country back, Tony Stampley, Honky Tonkers for Truth (video) (lyrics).
- Today's newsletter has details of today's guests and links to the major stories and alerts that Thom covered in the show, plus lots more. If you haven't signed up for the free newsletter yet, please do. If you missed today's newsletter, it is in the archive.
- Quote: "The best form of government is that which is most likely to prevent the greatest sum of evil." -- James Monroe.
- Member of the day was TJONKPTK, who won a copy of "Unequal Protection: How Corporations Became "People" - And How You Can Fight Back" for posting "Naked Cowboy vs Naked Cowgirl
I heard the lawsuit will be settled out of court.
Attorneys got together and exchanged briefs. " on the message board.