Quote: "When people refuse to obey, then democracy comes alive." Howard Zinn
Welcome! to our latest Thom Hartmann Program radio affiliate...WCWP 88.1 FM on Long Island airing all three hours of the program starting today!
Hour One - When will the democratic party wake up and realize that voters want progressives not conserva-dems...? Aaron Swartz Co-founder, Bold Progressives
Plus...Labor works to unseat incumbent Blanche Lincoln - Labor Segment - Doug Cunningham www.laborradio.org
Hour Two - Doomsday scenario...could the oil spill reach Europe? Environmentalist, activist, Bill McKibben www.350.org
Hour Three - Is the Mosque near Ground Zero a "Temple to Terrorists"?! Chairman-Tea Party Express Mark Williams www.marktalk.com
Plus...Afghanistan-now the longest war in U.S. history Robert Greenwald www.rethinkafghanistan.com
Coming up tomorrow...Jean Michel Cousteau - Just how bad can the BP/Transocean/Halliburton oil disaster get? Plus, former U.S. Labor Secretary Robert Reich joins me on why he thinks we're falling into a double dip recession...