By SueN
- Guests:
- Bay Buchanan of The American Cause.
- Dan Gainor of the Business and Media Institute.
- Economist/journalist Eamonn Fingleton.
- Topics:
- Has the President "dummied down" the Supreme Court?
- While the fat bastards fiddle, America is burning...
- "Word Wars"...should some words be off limits to the Left?
- Can America's working class survive the "Temp Age"
- Bumper Music:
- Austin Powers - The Spy Who Shagged Me: Fat Bastard.
- Who knows?, Jimi Hendrix.
- There Is the Sun, Derek James.
- What I Want, Chris Daughtry.
- The Beat Goes On, Madonna (video).
- Say, John Mayer.
- Workin' For A Livin', Huey Lewis and the News (video).
- Pocket Full Of Sunshine, Natasha Bedingfield.
- Democracy, Leonard Cohen.
- Today's newsletter has details of today's guests and links to the major stories and alerts that Thom covered in the show, plus lots more. If you haven't signed up for the free newsletter yet, please do. If you missed today's newsletter, it is in the archive.
- Quote: Abuse of words has been the great instrument of sophistry and chicanery of party, faction, and division of society. -- John Adams.
- Clip: "Beck on progressivism: "Total government ends in Nazi, Communist, Fascist, whatever you want to call it -- it ends there""
You're right. If you're a progressive you're on the European rails. And eventually total government ends in Nazi, communist, fascist, whatever you want to call it, it ends there.
- Clip: "Rush says Obama is better than Hitler and a Soviet commissar at dividing by race and class".
Obama is playing class warfare and dividing people on the basis of race. He's doing them both. He's outdoing whatever Hitler and any Soviet commissar ever did.
- Clip: "Rush: Obama administration "in its day-to-day actions is far more Nazi-like" than AZ immigration law".
This regime, in its day-to-day actions, is far more Nazi-like than any identification law that is enforced anywhere in this country..
- Clip: "O'Reilly falsely suggests "totalitarian" liberals are trying to overturn "270 years" of SCOTUS gun control precedent".
It is interesting that in America today, it is the far left that wants the government to call the shots, not the folks. In the past, right-wing extremists like Hitler and Mussolini were in the forefront of state control. But with the exception of Burma, today's totalitarians are primarily on the left. Certainly that is the case in the USA.
- Clip: "Levin repeats dubious base closure rumor; calls health care policies "Hitler-esque"".
If people want this UK-Canadian model, where we have a special formula put out by a commission to determine who gets and who doesn't get, based on age, based on illnesses, based on infirmities, you understand. It's what best for the greater society. That sounds Hitleresque to me.
- Article: Reichstag Fire Decree, 28 February 1933.
- Clip: "Fox & Friends' Juliet Huddy reads "anonymous" email comparing school kids video to "Hitler Youth" "indoctrination"".
And they say, "yes we can".. A familiar refrain? [Man: "Yes, and from anonymous..."] "Yes, I have a problem with this video, this indoctrination altogether reminds me of what I was told of the Hitler youth. Teach them right out of the cradle to fight instead of enriching their lives".
- Clip: "Savage's take on Obama's speech to students: "Hitler had the Hitler Youth, and Obama would like to have the Obama Youth"".
Every dictator usually addresses school children. Because you've got to hand it to dictators, they see the future, that once they seize total power, they need a generation that loves them. Hitler had the Hitler Youth, and Obama would like to have the Obama Youth.
- Clip: "On Hannity, Bennett compares climate science to "Soviet psychiatry under Stalin" and "medical 'science' under Hitler"".
Take a look at Soviet psychiatry under Stalin, take a look at various kinds of medical "science" under Hitler, and you'll again see the power of ideology to bend men to their, to the ways of the dictator.