By SueN
- Guests:
- George Pataki, Chairman of "Revere America"; Former Republican Governor of New York State.
- Appalachia resident Maria Gunnoe, mom/activist and coal miner's daughter.
- Ryan Hecker, National Coordinator - Tea Party Patriots; and author of "The Contract From America".
- Topics:
- Paul Revere helped create a govt that opposed corporate power. Why do today's conservatives want to cut back government and elevate corporate power?
- What happens when one tough mother has had enough, decides to get active and stands up to a giant?
- Geeky Science Rocks!! Did you know sometimes cell phones and driving DO go together?
- Why would a tea partier try to help out the rich and powerful instead of working Americans?
- Bumper Music:
- The Revolution Starts Now, Steve Earle (video).
- Tea Partay, Prep-Unit.
- Learn To Live, Darius Rucker.
- Crazy, Gnarls Barkley.
- Science Rocks!, Rock Chick & Science Geek.
- Defy You, The Offspring.
- How Bizarre, OMC.
- Tea Party, TheDowntownDB.
- It's Time To Party.
- Grand Canyon, Dmitriy Lukyanov (you need to search for it) (with additional sounds by Jacob).
- Democracy, Leonard Cohen.
- Today's newsletter has details of today's guests and links to the major stories and alerts that Thom covered in the show, plus lots more. If you haven't signed up for the free newsletter yet, please do. If you missed today's newsletter, it is in the archive.
- Quote: "The most important political office is that of private citizen." -- Louis Brandeis.
- Poem: The Midnight Ride Of Paul Revere by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
So through the night rode Paul Revere.
And so through the night went his cry' of alarm
To every Middlesex village and farm
A cry of defiance, and not of fear,
A voice in the darkness, a knock at the door,
And a word that shall echo forever more!
For, borne on the nightwind of the Past,
Through all our history, to the last,
In the hour of darkness and peril and need,
The people will waken and listen to hear
The hurrying hoof-beats of that steed,
And the midnight message of Paul Revere.