The Banksters...Orwell would be proud!

It's been reported that 25 Wall Street banksters, most of them hedge fund managers, had a private meeting Thursday with two powerful Republican lawmakers: Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, and John Cornyn, the senior senator who heads the National Republican Senatorial Committee, one of the primary fundraising arms of the Republican Party. McConnell then called a press conference and lied that re-regulation of the banksters would lead to another “too big to fail” bailout, even though the regulation explicitly forbids future bailouts. The Frank Luntz inspired McConnell-Bankster calculation is the Americans are really uninformed, and the tea partiers can be turned into shills for the biggest corporations and the millionaires and billionaires who run them. Are they right? Orwell would be proud!

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

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