- Guests:
- Stacey Hopkins, Founding member Coffee Party/Atlanta.
- Former Green Party Presidential candidate David Cobb - The Campaign to Legalize Democracy tour.
- Former Vermont Governor Dr. Howard Dean, Chairman Emeritus of the DNC; founder “Democracy for America”.
- Larry Klayman, Founder Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch USA.
- Topics:
- Is the middle finger free speech…is there a difference between flipping off the cops and everyone else….?
- Finally progressives are waking up…welcome to the coffee parties!
- What do we need to do to re-legalize democracy in America?
- What’s next for health care?
- Is the health-care mandate unconstitutional?
- Bumper Music:
- Citizen / Soldier, 3 Doors Down.
- Breakaway, Kelly Clarkson.
- > Live Like We're Dying, Kris Allen.
- Crazy, Gnarls Barkley.
- Can't Get Enough of You Baby, Smash Mouth.
- Used To, Chris Daughtry.
- You can leave your hat on, Randy Newman.
- All Star, Smash Mouth.
- Grand Canyon, Dmitriy Lukyanov (you need to search for it) (with additional sounds by Jacob).
- Democracy, Leonard Cohen.
- Catch the Reading Bug, Monty Harper.
- Today's newsletter has details of today's guests and links to the major stories and alerts that Thom covered in the show, plus lots more. If you haven't signed up for the free newsletter yet, please do. If you missed today's newsletter, it is in the archive.
- Quote: "Restriction of free thought and free speech is the most dangerous of all subversions. It is the one un-American act that could most easily defeat us." -- William Orville Douglas.
- Member of the day was Thomas Jode, who won a copy of "ADD Success Stories: A Guide to Fulfillment for Families with Attention Deficit Disorder" for blogging:
Praise to the Coffee Party!!! Showing that just like coffee, there is something that all Americans of every walk of life have in common: the heirarchy in this country is hurting the middle class, the common populace, We The People, starting with healthcare and denying us right to “Life” then “Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”. Let this party become the new original “Tea Party”. I am going to join them and make the change we all really can believe in.