Quote of the Day: Debt is the fatal disease of republics, the first thing and the mightiest to undermine governments and corrupt the people. -- Wendell Phillips
Welcome to our newest stations, CTV North Suburbs in Roseville, MN and Salem Access Television in Salem, MA
Hour One - Financial reform...get ready for another meltdown...
Hour Two - Should the USPS be more or less socialized? Tad DeHaven www.cato.org
Hour Three - Payday lenders...necessary evil or loan sharks in sheep's clothing? Wayne Root front-runner for Libertarian presidential nominee in 2012 www.root4america.com
Upcoming Events with Thom Hartmann:
Friday, March 19th, 6-8pm AM 1600 Demos and the New York Law School Chapter of the American Constitution Society present an evening with Thom Hartmann - "When Corporations Became People." Thom will also talk about his updated book "Unequal Protection: The Rise of Corporate Dominance and the Theft of Human Rights"...event is at New York Law School Auditorium, 185 W Broadway, New York, NY...free tickets at www.demos.org (and click on events)