Hour Three: "Tea Partying for fun...and profit?!" Thom confronts World Net Daily's Joseph Farah about Tea Party Nation's newly minted marriage to the K Street lobbyists www.worldnetdaily.com
Hour One: "Never mind romance, got health insurance?" Terri Carlson tells Thom why she'll marry a stranger for health benefits www.willmarryforhealthinsurance.com
Hour Three: "The Return to Prosperity" Thom challenges conservative WSJ economic writer and policy analyst Stephen Moore about his new book online.wsj.com
Plus, Airline Safety...do we get what we pay for? Frontline correspondent Miles O'Brien stops by about tonight's special report "Flying Cheap" www.pbs.org
Hour Two: "Is rapid rail really just political pork?" Get ready to rumble when conservative Dan Gainor joins Thom about the "choo-choo's" www.businessandmedia.org
Hour Three: "Did you know the government may have your child's DNA?" Thom talks to medical ethicist Dr. Arthur Caplan www.bioethics.upenn.edu
Hour Three: "Women in the boardroom...bad for business and bad for women?!" Thom mixes it up with Carrie Lukas of the Independent Women's Forum www.iwf.org
Hour One: "Brunch With Bernie"Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) spends the hour with Thom discussing the issues and answering listener questions www.sanders.senate.gov