Daily Topics - February 18th 2010 "Live" from the Conservative Political Action Conference

Live from CPAC

republican imagesQuote:  “A great democracy must be progressive or it will soon cease to be a great democracy" Theodore Roosevelt

Hour One  - 14 year old - Jonathan Krohn definingconservatismbook.com "Defining Conservatism: The Principles That Will Bring Our Country Back"

Plus Ken Hoagland www.fairtax.org "Fair Tax" - Time for a second tax revolt

Hour Two - John Felmy chief economist for the American Petroleum Institute (API) www.api.org

Hour Three - David Bossie  President of Citizens United and Citizens United Productions www.citizensunited.org Supreme Court decision in their favor give personhood to corporations

Plus...Ryan Hecker, Houston, Texas grassroots activist, a National Coordinator of Tea Party Patriots, and the developer of the Contract from America initiative  www.contractfromamerica.com Their new "Contract FROM America"

Upcoming Events with Thom Hartmann:

Friday, March 5th - 6 to 8pm, Denver, CO - AM 760 presents Thom and David Sirota taking opposite sides "Is it Time to Abandon the Democratic Party?"  Event is  sold out but you can still enter to win tickets!!  Visit AM760.net for details.

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

Thom Hartmann has written a dozen books covering ADD / ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

Join Thom for his new twice-weekly email newsletters on ADHD, whether it affects you or a member of your family.

Thom's Blog Is On the Move

Hello All

Thom's blog in this space and moving to a new home.

Please follow us across to hartmannreport.com - this will be the only place going forward to read Thom's blog posts and articles.