Wednesday 30 December '09 show notes

  • Guests:
    • Nasir El Rufai, a former senior Nigerian cabinet minister and current opposition leader.
    • Why are you and I still supporting slavery and dictatorships?
    • Dan Gainor of the Business and Media Institute.
  • Topics:
    • Are we asking the wrong question about how to stop terrorism?
    • What makes someone like Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab a terrorist?
    • New Year's Resolutions - Liberal vs. Conservative.
  • Bumper Music:
  • Today's newsletter has details of today's guests and links to the major stories and alerts that Thom covered in the show, plus lots more. If you haven't signed up for the free newsletter yet, please do. If you missed today's newsletter, it is in the archive.
  • Quote: "Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right." -- Oprah Winfrey.
  • Video: "They're terrorists because we're occupiers" says Ron Paul.

    Ron Paul: One thing that is missing here is never asking the question what is the motive? He said why he was -- he did it. He said it was because we bombed Yemen two weeks ago. That was his motive. Osama bin Laden said that he has a plan for America. First, he wants to bog us down in the Middle East in a no-win war. He wants to bankrupt this country, demoralize us, as well as have us do things that motivate people to join his radical movement.

    It seems like we've fallen into his trap. Why is it off base? Today, when the gentleman indicated that he did it because of the bombing, you know what the administration said? They dismissed it. It can't possibly be so. If you dismiss motivations for why they hate us, we can never resolve this. There's hate on both sides. You have to ask the question, why do they hate? And they usually come up with a reason. And we're foolish not to take that into consideration.

    Larry King: Ben?

    Ben Stein: Well, that's -- I have never heard anything quite like that in my whole life. What he's saying, basically, is we are doing something wrong by defending ourselves. Look, if these terrorists are trying to kill the government of Yemen, we've got to help defend them. They're our friends. We can't just let al Qaeda run wild. If we try to stop them --

    Ron Paul: Why?

    Ben Stein: Why should we stop them? Because they are terrorists and murderers and they're very anti-American.

    Ron Paul: Why are they terrorists?

    Ben Stein: Surely congressman --

    Ron Paul: Why are they terrorists?

    Ben Stein: They're terrorists and murders because they are psychos.

    Ron Paul:They're terrorists because we're occupiers.

  • "Charter 08".

    This year is the 100th year of China's Constitution, the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the 30th anniversary of the birth of the Democracy Wall, and the 10th year since China signed the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. After experiencing a prolonged period of human rights disasters and a tortuous struggle and resistance, the awakening Chinese citizens are increasingly and more clearly recognizing that freedom, equality, and human rights are universal common values shared by all humankind, and that democracy, a republic, and constitutionalism constitute the basic structural framework of modern governance. A "modernization" bereft of these universal values and this basic political framework is a disastrous process that deprives humans of their rights, corrodes human nature, and destroys human dignity. Where will China head in the 21st century? Continue a "modernization" under this kind of authoritarian rule? Or recognize universal values, assimilate into the mainstream civilization, and build a democratic political system? This is a major decision that cannot be avoided

  • West won a signed copy of Threshold for blogging...

    "If we are going to start profiling, maybe we shouldn’t stop at Muslims. It seems to me that a high percentage of Insurance CEOs and Banksters are old, white men. Perhaps we should investigate ALL old, white men since they have a higher propensity for GRAND LARCENY! Keep getting the word out.

  • ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

    Thom Hartmann has written a dozen books covering ADD / ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

    Join Thom for his new twice-weekly email newsletters on ADHD, whether it affects you or a member of your family.

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