Quote: "The point in history at which we stand is full of promise and danger. The world will either move forward toward unity and widely shared prosperity - or it will move apart." -- Franklin D. Roosevelt
Hour One - State of the Union, Pimps and Corporate Personhood - your calls
Plus...Bill Bradbury, Democratic Candidate for Oregon Governor, former Oregon Secretary of State www.bradbury2010.com Proposes forming "Bank of Oregon" if elected Governor (Why do we need state owned banks?)
But wait - there's more...Supreme Court ruled corporations have personhood, so a corporation is running for Congress? Eric Hensal "Designated human" at "Murray Hill Inc. for Congress" campaign murrayhillincforcongress.com Supreme
Hour Two - State of the Union, Pimps and Corporations as Candidates - your calls
Plus...."Everything You Know is Wrong" Bill Wiese www.soulchoiceministries.org "23 Minutes in Hell"
Hour Three – Why are you supporting "Too Big to Fail?" John Lott www.johnrlott.blogspot.com