A new Rasmussen poll shows the Tea Party movement is way more popular than the Republican Party it seeks to be a part of -- if they were a political party, they would overtake the GOP on the generic Congressional ballot. The results of the poll? Democratic 36%, Tea Party 23%, Republican 18%. What this really shows is the power of populism. And the populists on the left would have a surprisingly broad range of agreements with the populatists on the right. No trust of corporate America, and their wholly-owned politicians. A visceral hatred of banks and insurance companies who have been sucking our blood for decades. A horror at the idea of corporations as persons. A mistrust of the Fed. So we populists on the left should be reaching across the aisle to the populists on the right to form a new alliance, and maybe together we can actually produce some meaningful political change in America. Remember, movement politics have always been ahead of political parties in producing major change in America, from abolition to women's suffrage to civil rights to gay rights. We all need to be showing up at the tea party meetings!
Join a Tea Party?
By Louise