- Guests:
- Congressman Peter DeFazio.
- Matt Welch, Editor in Chief of Reason magazine; author of the book “McCain: They Myth of a Maverick”; and former assistant editorial page editor of the Los Angeles Times.
- Marc Morano of the Climate Depot.
- Environmental columnist and author Bill McKibben.
- Topics:
- What's up with the public option?
- Tax the rich and save America?
- Geeky science rocks.
- Will humanity go extinct if we don't pass climate legislation?
- The biggest climate change day of action the world has ever seen.
- Bumper Music:
- The Gambler, Kenny Rogers (video).
- Come On In, Brad Paisley (video).
- The Revolution Starts Now, Steve Earle (video).
- Because I Got High, Afroman.
- For What It's Worth, Buffalo Springfield (video).
- Are the Good Times Really Over for Good Wynonna Judd.
- You can leave your hat on, Randy Newman.
- Pocket Full Of Sunshine, Natasha Bedingfield.
- Climate Mash, Bobby "Boris" Pickett.
- End of the World, Rob Dickinson.
- Today's newsletter has details of today's guests and links to the major stories and alerts that Thom covered in the show, plus lots more. If you haven't signed up for the free newsletter yet, please do. If you missed today's newsletter, it is in the archive.
- Quote: "We must ensure that every worker has healthcare and is able to save for their retirement. We must ensure that our workers have safe and health working conditions." --- Leonard Boswell.
- Article: “Public option” bait-and-switch campaign fools pollsters by Andrew Coates MD.
"The New York Times reported on Saturday, October 17, that Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) is warning his constituents that the “public option” is not going to be available to the great majority of Americans. No one who has actually read the Senate health committee’s “reform” bill or the House “reform” bill (HR 3200) disputes this. According to the Congressional Budget Office, the “option” will be available only to about 30 million people, or about one American in ten. As the Times put it (slightly inaccurately), the “option” in the Democrats’ legislation “would be out of bounds to the approximately 160 million people already covered through employers.”
Does the public understand this? According to Wyden, they don’t. Wyden says his constituents are shocked when they are told the “option” will not be available to the vast majority of Americans. When he began informing his constituents about this truth last summer, “They nearly fell out of the bleachers,” he said (“And the public option is…,” New York Times, October 17, 2009, A10).
Democrats and “option” advocates should pay attention to Wyden’s observation. Wyden is saying, in so many words, that “option” advocates, with help from the media and the blogosphere, have fooled the public into thinking everyone will be eligible to buy insurance from the “option,” and when the public finds out this isn’t true, they’re not going to be happy."
- Article: Entergy CEO Warns Of Humanity’s Extinction If Climate Legislation Not Passed.
"Participants in a Clean Energy Economy Forum at the White House included J. Wayne Leonard, the Chairman and CEO of Entergy Corporation, the utility giant based in New Orleans, Louisiana. Speaking at the White House event, Leonard called for action on climate change and clean energy not just for economic reasons but starkly moral ones:
"We are virtually certain that climate change is occurring, and occurring because of man’s activities. We’re virtually certain the probability distribution curve is all bad. There’s no good things that’s going to come of this. But what’s uncertain is exactly which one of those things are going to occur and in what time frame. In the probability distribution curve is about a 50% probability that about half of all species will become extinct or be subject to extinction over this period of time. What we will never know on an ex ante basis is whether or not man be one of those casualties or not.
We condemn Wall Street for taking risks with our economy — risks that all of you are trying very hard to reverse — but at the same time we’re taking exactly the same kind of risks, with no upside whatsoever, with regard to our climate, failing to practice even the basic risk management techniques in terms of climate change reduction." "