- Guests:
- Rich Benjamin, author of "Searching for Whitopia: An Improbable Journey to the Heart of White America".
- Larry Johnson, author of "Frozen: A True Story".
- Robert Moffit, Director, Center for Health Policy Studies at the Heritage Foundation.
- Topics:
- Is the economic recovery on thin ice and is it melting under us?
- How would you like to be the first African American to attend a 3-day Aryan Nations religious retreat?!
- Could it be that "everything you know is wrong about cryonics, deception and death?!"
- Should health insurers get the death penalty?
- Bumper Music:
- Stand, Rascal Flatts.
- Magick, Ryan Adams (video).
- Crazy, Gnarls Barkley.
- Working On A Dream, Bruce Springsteen (video).
- What Would You Say , Dave Matthews Band.
- The Ballad Of Gilligan's Isle, The Remotes.
- Piggies, George Harrison, Beatles (video).
- World Hold On, Bob Sinclar (video).
- The Revolution Starts Now, Steve Earle (video).
- Democracy, Leonard Cohen.
- Today's newsletter has details of today's guests and links to the major stories and alerts that Thom covered in the show, plus lots more. If you haven't signed up for the free newsletter yet, please do. If you missed today's newsletter, it is in the archive.
- Article: Moore: Banks rewarded for ‘burning down our economy’ by David Edwards and Stephen Webster.
"I don't know how many gated communities these people -- who are taking this $140 billion in bonuses -- I don't know how many castles with moats around them they can build, but I'll tell ya something. There's an anger that's building out there.
"I mean, Matt, these people, they burned down our economy. They completely crashed it. And now, they're getting rewarded for it. Look, if I burned down your house today, and then tomorrow you sent me a check, thanking me ... I mean, it's absolutely insane that we allow this to happen. But, not surprising, because that's our capitalist system. They can get away with it, 'cause it's legal, they can make whatever they want to make, they can take whatever they want to take."
- Article: "The Truth about NAFTA".
"In the early 1990s the North American Free Trade Agreement was sold to the American people by promising endless benefits job creation and rising incomes for U.S. workers, cheaper goods for American consumers and unseen surges in exports to markets that had never before been open to U.S.
After initially embracing NAFTA on false pretenses, the first myth to be busted was the promise of an increase in trade surplus with Mexico. While the U.S. held a small trade surplus with Mexico prior to NAFTA, by 2007 that turned into a $91 billion trade deficit. With Canada and Mexico combined, the U.S. has turned a $24 billion deficit into a $190 billion deficit in just 15 years - an astounding 691 percent increase.
NAFTA has outsourced jobs to Mexico where labor is incredibly cheap and the environment is a mere after-thought, thus driving down wages and forcing American workers into more direct competition with one another. U.S. manufacturing employment declined from 16.8 million people in 1993 to 13.9 million in 2007."
- Article: Pelosi condemns U.S. health insurance industry.
"When you think of the campaign that's been launched against the public option by the insurance industry -- they can't take the competition ... Anyone who had any doubts about the need for such an option need only look at the health insurance industry this week."
- Book: "Unequal Protection: The Rise of Corporate Dominance and Theft of Human Rights" By Thom Hartmann.