- Guests:
- Clyde Prestowitz, Jr. Founder/President-Economic Strategy Institute.
- Teddy Kennedy Jr..
- Topics:
- China has eaten our lunch and now they're working on dessert...how do we stop them?
- "True Compass", the final book by the late Senator Edward M. Kennedy
- Health Care.
- Today's newsletter has details of today's guests and links to the major stories and alerts that Thom covered in the show, plus lots more. If you haven't signed up for the free newsletter yet, please do. If you missed today's newsletter, it is in the archive.
- Bumper Music:
- You're the Voice, Heart (video).
- Back to you, Bryan Adams.
- Crazy, Gnarls Barkley.
- You can leave your hat on, Randy Newman.
- Democracy, Leonard Cohen.
- Article: Connie Rhodes "Birther" Challenge Thrown Out, Taitz Scolded.
"U.S. District Court Judge Clay Land has thrown out a complaint questioning the president's birth from an Army captain fighting deployment to Iraq and gave a warning to her lawyer, birther maven Orly Taitz.Land also put attorney Orly Taitz, who represents Capt. Connie Rhodes and is a leader in the national "birther" movement, on notice by stating that she could face sanctions if she ever files a similar "frivolous" lawsuit in his court.
" -
"President Carter is flat out wrong. This isn't about race. It is about policy.
This is a pathetic distraction by Democrats to shift attention away from the president's wildly unpopular government-run health care plan that the American people simply oppose. Injecting race into the debate over critical issues facing American families doesn't create jobs, reform our health care system or reduce the growing deficit. It only divides Americans rather than uniting us to find solutions to challenges facing our nation.
Characterizing Americans' disapproval of President Obama's policies as being based on race is an outrage and a troubling sign about the lengths Democrats will go to disparage all who disagree with them. Playing the race card shows that Democrats are willing to deal from the bottom of the deck. Our political system has no place for this type of rhetoric.
As the leader of the Democratic Party President Obama should flatly reject efforts by those in his Party, including Jimmy Carter and Tim Kaine, to inject race into our civil discourse in ways that divide, not unite, Americans."
RODRIGUEZ: I wanted to make time to ask you about these allegations on behalf of former President Carter and others that all of this criticism towards President Obama is motivated by racism. … When we have protests like we saw in Washington last week, when we see Confederate flags and pictures of the president in white face and signs that say he needs to go back to Africa, can you afford to ignore that?
STEELE: No you don’t ignore it but you don’t paint such a broad brush with it.
Steele Criticizes Democrats For Playing The Race Card, While He Plays The Race Card by Ben Armbruster.