Chris Broughton, who brought an assault rifle and a handgun to the Obama event in Phoenix last week, attended an anti-Obama sermon just a day before showing up. In the sermon Pastor Steven Anderson said he would "pray for Barack Obama to die and go to hell", Anderson confirmed this to TPMmuckraker yesterday. The sermon was called "Why I Hate Barack Obama" and had hate-filled anti-gay themes. This is much like the atmosphere the seized america in the late 50s and early 60s as Brown vs board of education was being implemented by forced integration by bussing African american school children into white neighborhoods and visa versa. The consequence was a serious of bombings, lynching, murders and assassinations that ripped the at the heart and soul of this nation. If the republican crazies like Sarah Palin and Glen Beck don't stop this hate speech - they will have blood on their hands.
In strange news...
For all the hoopla surrounding "death panels" being implemented in health care legislation, it's worth noting United Healthcare offers end-of-life planning coverage that is similar to that being put forth by House Democrats. Well...Tea Baggers? Will I here you yelling that "privatized" "for-profit" healthcare is trying to "take out" Grandma.