Newsletter : 9 July 2009

Dear Listener,

Thanks for being a member of The Thom Hartmann Program. There are some exciting new developments on the program. We'll have a new daily newsletter launching early next week. Throughout the week you'll receive "The Daily Stack" with all the links to stories I cover daily, upcoming station visits & events, a weekly blog, a weekly article, and you'll also get a peek at my mail with a response or rebuttal...and more. You can now listen to my daily newscast, but you won't hear the stories you normally hear on the corporate media - you'll hear The Best of the Rest of the News - you can hear it on the stream at or as an extra if you sign up for podcasts. In our news today you'll discover with billions being funded in the "Cap & Trade" proposal why is it that only 1% is allocated to public transportation when transportation represents 1/3 of all emissions? Learn why the Center for Biological Diversity maybe suing the Environmental Protection Agency about Polar Bears and why this is important to you and me. My new book, Threshold: The Crisis of Western Civilization , is arriving in book stores in a few weeks (and on amazon and B&N now). I'll be traveling the U.S. doing talks and signings so drop by and say Hi! I look forward to meeting you soon.

Always remember activism begins with you - Tag! You're it.

Warm Regards,


Events with Thom Hartmann Coming Up

July 27th - Portland, OR Book-signing & Talk - Threshold - POWELL'S CITY OF BOOKS Bagdad Theatre 3702 S.E. Hawthorne Blvd Portland, OR 97214

July 30th - Seattle, WA Book-signing & Talk - Threshold July 30th 7pm - 9pm - TOWN HALL SEATTLE 1119 8th Avenue Seattle, WA 98101

Aug 4th - San Francisco, CA -Book-signing & Talk - Threshold - 6p - 8p San Francisco, CA - WORLD AFFAIRS COUNCIL 312 Sutter Street Suite 200 San Francisco, CA 94108

Aug 5th - Santa Monica, CA Book-signing & Talk - Threshold - 7p - 9p - SANTA MONICA PUBLIC LIBRARY 601 Santa Monica Blvd Santa Monica, CA 90401

Aug 8th - Seattle, WA AM1090 Presents - Embracing Change: Moving Forward As The Majority w/Stephanie Miller, Thom Hartmann , Bill Press, Mike Malloy and Ron Reagan - Tickets are just $22 for Reserved Seating, $32 for Premium Reserved Seating, and $47 for VIP Floor Seating. Tickets go on sale Saturday June 27th @ 10AM. Purchase yours at , the ShoWareCenter Box Office, or by phone at 253-856-6999. Doors open at 5pm, the panel discussion runs from 6-9pm.

Aug 17th - Minneapolis, MN Book-signing & Talk - Threshold - details TBA

Aug 19th - Chicago, IL Book-signing & Talk - Threshold details TBA

Aug 21st - Madison, WI Book-signing & Talk - Threshold details TBA

Sep 25th (Friday) Ithaca NY - 1470AM WNYY - noon-3p Thom is doing the show live from Ithaca College - plus Booksinging - Threshold

Thom Hartmann Show Info

So much to do! thomglobe

Call Thom on the show at 1-866-987-THOM (8466).
Sign up for Thom's podcasts.
Come on over to the free chat room, where Thom hangs out during the show.
Join in the discussions on Thom's free message board.
Blog or upload videos or audios at Thom's community.
Thank you for being part of our ever growing community for News, Debate and Opinion on the Thom Hartmann Program.

The Thom Hartmann Program

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

Thom Hartmann has written a dozen books covering ADD / ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

Join Thom for his new twice-weekly email newsletters on ADHD, whether it affects you or a member of your family.

Thom's Blog Is On the Move

Hello All

Thom's blog in this space and moving to a new home.

Please follow us across to - this will be the only place going forward to read Thom's blog posts and articles.