Quote: "The fact of evolution is the backbone of biology, and biology is thus in the peculiar position of being a science founded on an improved theory, is it then a science or faith?" Charles Robert Darwin (1809—1882)
Happy 200th birthday to both Abraham Lincoln Charles Darwin!!
Hour One - Thom's take on news of the day
Hour Two - Ray Comfort www.wayofthemaster.com Topic: Darwin's birthday, theory of evolution...and his book "You Can Lead An Atheist to Evidence But You Can't Make Him Think"
Guest: Dr. David Loye "The Darwin Project" www.thedarwinproject.com (also www.partnershipway.org)Topic: Darwin's 200th Birthday
Hour Three - Thomas V. Girardi www.girardikeese.net Topic: toxic torts and battling corporate America (Host of Champions of Justice radio show and client of Greg Garber's at KTLK)
Topic: Geeky Science Rocks