Quote: Restlessness and discontent are the first necessities of progress. - Thomas A. Edison
Hour One - Why would anyone ever join the Republican party?
Guest: Rachel Maddow, MSNBC and The Rachel Maddow Show www.airamerica.com
Guest: Dan Pfeiffer Obama Campaign Communications Director: www.barackobama.com
Hour Two - Ron Reagan The Ron Reagan Show, Air America Radio www.airamerica.com Topic: What will be the big issues in the next 4 years
Hour Three - Larisa Alexandrovna www.rawstory.com Topic: Documents reveal Ohio routed votes in 2004
Guest: "Labor Segment" Thea Lee www.aflcio.org Topic: election issues
Guest: Rep. Dennis Kucinich www.kucinich.house.gov Topic: How do we develop a progressive governing coalition?
Guest: Jeff Merkley www.jeffmerkley.com Topic: Home stretch in the fight to take Republican Gordon Smith's senate seat in Oregon