By Thom Hartmann A...
- Guest: Tara Ross, a lawyer and writer, co-author of "Under God: George Washington and the Question of Church and State". Is the electoral college obsolete?
- Guest: Dan Gainor, the T. Boone Pickens Fellow and the Vice President of the Business & Media Institute.
- Guest: "Everything You Know is Wrong" Dr. Ken Olson. Author, "An Expose of Satan's Schemes". Halloween!
- Guest: Larry Scott, founder and Editor of VA Watch Dog. "The American Veteran's On-Line News Magazine". Privatizing the VA. Shredding and mishandling of documents. New loan refining options.
- Guest: Ellen Hodgson Brown, J.D, author, "Web of Debt". The Plunge Protection Team.
- Guest: taking my country back: Russ Warner. Running for Congress in California's 26th district against incumbent Republican David Dreier.
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Wednesday 29 October '08 show
- 6 days to go to vote for your elector.
- Guest: Tara Ross, a lawyer and writer, co-author of "Under God: George Washington and the Question of Church and State". Is the electoral college obsolete? Liberals are all freaked out by the electoral college. Thom is in favor of it, maybe go back to the original. She did not write the press release. There are people both sides don't like it, don't understand it. 2000 vote. Thom has not read her book. Thom wrote What Would Jefferson Do?, spent 4 years on Jefferson's papers, debates in the constitutional convention."The History of England" by Paul Rapin de Thoyras, 1726. Whig histories. Thom bought a copy in London. Wiccan counsel of wise elders was a model, because communities were so far from Washington. Explanation of the Electoral College. They were trying to foil the failures of other countries. "The Trial of Socrates", I.F. Stone.
- Bumper Music: They Lost My Vote, Ellen Bukstel and Nancy Wuerzburger.
- Article: Obama Infomercial to Offer Americans Rock-hard Abs: Candidate Unveils