Quote: "Solong as we have enough people in this country willing to fight for theirrights, we'll be called a democracy." Roger Nash Baldwin
Hour One - BenjaminDaywww.masscare.com Topic: Single payer health care and why it's working (or not)in Massachusetts
Hour Two - John Podesta www.americanprogress.org Topic: his newbook "The Power of Progress"
Guest: TakingOur Country Back" Bill Hedrick www.hedrickforcongress.comTopic: Running for Congress in CA's 44th District against 16 year Republicanincumbent Ken Calvert
Hour Three -Tom Frankwww.tcfrank.com Topic: The Wrecking Crew: HowConservatives Rule
Guest: ChristyHarveywww.americanprogress.org Topic: News Under the Radar