Quote: Every kind ofservice necessary to the public good becomes honorable by being necessary - NathanHale Hour One – Economic Meltdown? And the Best of the rest of the News… Hour Two - James Carafano, PhD www.heritagefoundation.orgTopic: Is America's anti-war movement "wilting" (Carafano says yes) Guest: "Taking Our Country Back" Henry Sanchez www.sanchezforuscongress.org Topic: Running for Congress in Michigan's 3rd district... Guest: "Advertising SuccessStory" Greg Boyce:www.corbettfishhouse.com Topic: successful advertising campaign onKPOJ Hour Three - Larisa Alexandrovna www.rawstory.com Topic: Paul Minor case,Siegelman case, plus Diebold Guest: Christy Harvey www.americanprogress.org Topic: News under the Radar Thom's Travel & EventsComing Up… August 2 & 3 - (this weekend!) In Madison, WI with our affiliatestation The MIC 92.1 (WXXM) - Thom is speaking Saturday - NonStop RadioSymposium, Exhibition Hall, Alliant Energy Center, 1919 Alliant Energy CenterWay www.nonstopradio.com