June 23-27 2008 - The Thom Hartmann Program will be"live" from
The Thom Hartmann Program - Why is
Weekdays Noon-3p ET "live"
June 23 - 27 2008 Radio Guest Highlights for the Week - Special thanks to Lea Hjort from Danish Broadcasting Network who has been helping us with guests and will be a guest on the program next week as well.
Guest: Peter Mogensen (In-Studio -
Guest: Carl Pedersen (In-Studio -Denmark), Professor, Copenhagen Business School Topic: Holding dual citizenship of both the US & Denmark - he spells out the differences and what lessons we could learn.
Guest: Henrik Bindslev (In-Studio -Denmark), director of National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy at the Technical University of Denmark where Denmark has achieved a leading position within such diverse fields as design, wind energy, biotechnology, electronics and telecommunication Topic: Is Denmark's wind energy program is a leading example of how government support can make alternative energy commercially viable?
Guest: Mette Frederiksen (In-Studio -
Guest: Terry Jeffrey www.cnsnews.com Topic: Thom and Terry Jeffries look at the issues of the day through the lens of both conservative and liberal.
Guest: Kaare Christensen (In-Studio -
Guest: Yaron Brook www.aynrand.org Topic: Doesn't the "salmonella tomato" prove that we need more regulation - not less - of our food?
Guest: Flemming Rose (In-Studio -
Guest: Christy Harvey www.americanprogress.org Topic: News Under the Radar
Friday - Anything Goes! Friday
Guest: Senator Bernie Sanders "Brunch with Bernie" www.sanders.senate.gov taking your calls