"The 11th Hour" -- Available from BuzzFlash |
THOM HARTMANN'S "INDEPENDENT THINKER" REVIEW OF THE MONTH "The 11th Hour" or http://11thhouraction.com -- Available from BuzzFlash (A movie written, narrated, and produced by Leonardo DiCaprio, also starting Stephen Hawking, Mikhail Gorbachev, Thom Hartmann, and others...) Watch the trailer: The 11th Hour Trailer, click here |
Hour One - Guest: Sidney Blumenthal, Former assistant and senior advisor to President Bill Clinton www.amazon.com/Strange-Death-Republican-America-chronicles/dp/1402757891 Topic: His new book "The Strange Death of Republican America: Chronicles of a Collapsing Party"
Hour Two - Guest: Jed Babbin, served as a deputy undersecretary of defense in President George H.W. Bush's administration www.humanevents.com Topic: Thom is challenging Jed - who is supporting the surge/Petraeus - how and when do we stop the bloodshed in Iraq?
Hour Three - Guest: "Everything You Know is Wrong" Tarek Saab www.buygutcheck.com Topic: The Peter Pan Complex: Today's Young Men Don't Want to Grow Up
Guest: Leila Conners Peterson and Nadia Conners wip.warnerbros.com/11thhour Topic: DVD "The 11th Hour" is Thom Hartmann's pick of the month at Buzzflash.com