Hour One - Guests: George Landrith www.ff.org & Rev. Richard Cizik www.nae.net Topic: Thom and Two evangelicals both pro & con global warming will have a lively debate about the new global warming legislation - Are we "called" by God to be good stewards of the planet or of the wealthy?
Hour Two - Guest: Marjorie Cohn marjoriecohn.com/index.html Topic: Recent article "Beware an Attack on Iran"
Hour Three - Guest: Eric Alterman www.ericalterman.com Topic: His new book "WHY WE’RE LIBERALS - A Political Handbook for Post-Bush America"
Thom Hartmann - Air America Radio - traveled to Darfur in the Sudan with other talk show hosts to bring "Sacks of Hope" and to provide awareness of the Sudanese Refugees
Donate $50 for each "Sack of Hope" to help out - here: