By Thom Hartmann A...
- Ralph Nader has announced his VP; Matt Gonzalez who ran for San Francisco mayor.
- Book: The Three Trillion Dollar War: The True Cost of the Iraq Conflict , Joseph Stiglitz.
- Guest: Joshua Holland, AlterNet.
- Guest: Ralph Nader and his new running mate, Matt Gonzalez.
- Guest: Clara Jeffery, Editor, Mother Jones. Torture hits home.
- Guest: Patrick Cockburn, Middle East correspondent for the Financial Times and The Independent, author.
- Guest: Brett Morgen, director, "Chicago Ten".
Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.
Friday 29 February '08 National show
- Ralph Nader is leading the way. He has announced his VP; Matt Gonzalez who ran for San Francisco mayor.
- Who should be the vice president if Hillary or Obama wins?
- Book: The Three Trillion Dollar War: The True Cost of the Iraq Conflict , Joseph Stiglitz. Not the "less than $2 billion" that Bush said.
- Article: Count Me Out: The Obama Craze, Matt Gonzalez.
- Quote:
"I don't think we're headed to a recession, but no question we're in a slowdown. And that's why we acted, and acted strongly."
Press Conference of the President, February 28, 2008. - Article: Afghanistan: The Brutal and Unnecessary War the Media Aren't Telling You About. Interview with Andy Worthington.
- Guest: Joshua Holland, AlterNet. Afghanistan. Possible Vice Presidents. Joe Biden. Prince Harry. "The Guantánamo Files: AlterNet interviews Andy Worthington".
- Guest: Ralph Nader and his new running mate, Matt Gonzalez. Why they are running. Policies. Matt is a green but they are running as independents. They both respect and admire Cynthia McKinney who joined the party recently. Previous "unviable" candidates. It was their first interview together, and the first by Matt since they announced.
- Article: Am I a Torturer? Justine Sharrock.
- Guest: Clara Jeffery, Editor, Mother Jones. Justine Sharrock's article. The war coming home. Torture hits home. Prisoner who didn't answer any questions under torture because he was Farsi speaking and the questions were in Arabic and English. Specialist Joseph Darby outed by Rumsfeld.
- The 1968 Chicago conspiracy trial.
- Book: Muqtada Al-Sadr and the Fall of Iraq, Patrick Cockburn.
- Article: Al-Qaeda Resumes Attacks, Turks Invade. Iraq Broils, Patrick Cockburn.
- Guest: Patrick Cockburn, a Middle East correspondent since 1979 for the Financial Times and The Independent, and Laura's uncle. His books and articles about Iraq. Turkey, Kurds, incursions.
- Guest: Brett Morgen, director, "Chicago Ten". "'Chicago 10' presents contemporary history with a forced perspective, mixing bold and original animation with extraordinary archival footage that explores the build-up to and unraveling of the Chicago Conspiracy Trial. Set to the music of revolution, then and now, 'Chicago 10' is a parable of hope, courage and ultimate victory, the story of young Americans speaking out and taking a stand in the face of an oppressive and armed government." Center for Constitutional Rights.