On the Program - Feb 19th 2008

Hour One - Topic: Election: Public or private financing?

Hour Two - Guest: Nationally syndicated radio host Neal Boortz on his latest book - Fair Tax Topic: Thom will be asking Neal - Isn't this the latest conservative strategy to make the rich richer and the working people poorer?

Hour Three - Guest: Professor Saul Landau www.saullandau.com Topic: What does Fidel's stepping down mean for Cuba? America? Displaced Cubans?

Today I had a rousing debate with fellow talk show host Neal Boortz (Jones Radio Networks), author of several books on the Fair Tax, including his latest "Fair Tax, The Truth: Answering the Critics." Neal argues that the Fair Tax is the way to go because it broadens the tax base and makes it fair for everyone. I pointed out that in my opinion it's not fair to the poor or the working class. In fact, it seems like just another conservative scheme to make the rich richer and the working people poorer. I also stated that nowhere in the world where a VAT exists does anyone stand in line to fill out the paper work to get back. I think it's a bad idea all around.

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