Brian Darling, Human Events & David Martosko, Daily Caller join Thom to talk about derivatives, Iran, Voter ID laws and Palin vs. Obama. --- Anyone else thinks Santorum is Sarah Palin in a suit? -- So when are Republicans going to come clean and admit that when there's a Republican in the White House they spend like drunken sailors to make the economy work, and when there's a democrat in the White House they do everything they can to scream about debt and block spending? -- When Pharmaceutical companies make a new drug - it takes 8 years to approve, trial after trial, test after test. When Wall Street make a new financial instrument - they just sell it. What's up with that? -- Iran: It seems that a decade of failed wars has helped the American public to understand that this country can't afford to start another one. -- Aren't the chances of being struck by lightning greater than the likelihood of someone committing voter fraud? -- Quickfire! Wracked by a week of bad press - Gubernatorial quitter Sarah Palin took to her Facebook page to challenge President Obama to a debate, she wrote, "I'm more than happy to accept the dubious honor of being Barack Obama's 'enemy of the week'...[and] debate him on the issues American are actually concerned about." We know that Sarah Palin likes to prep by writing her notes on her hand - so what might she scrawl on her palm before going toe-to-toe with President Obama?