Caroline May, The Daily Caller & Jeff Poor, The Daily Caller join Thom Hartmann. Who wins and who loses off this Supreme Court decision? TSA Security Theater: What's the point of all the new security installed after 9/11 - when we have passengers ready and willing to protect the planes themselves? So It might not be too long before our economy gets screwed by Wall Street again? The Trayvon Martin story: Meanwhile police in Sanford are re-opening an investigation into Zimmerman - though it will be tough to get a case together because of Florida's Stand Your Ground law - a law written by the NRA and Wal-Mart and pushed into the Florida legislature by ALEC. So should corporate lobbying groups like ALEC be writing our laws - especially now that we know the damage they can cause? On MSNBC - former Senator Arlen Specter gave the best analysis of Romney flip-flopping yet - relating Romney's positions to a porn star's positions. So - let's assume that Romney IS a pornstar for a moment - what might his favotire position be?