Big Picture Panel: Alex Lawson, Social Security Works & Travis Korson, Madison Strategies. A series of raucous town halls has put Republicans looking to repeal Obamacare on the defensive. People are furious - but if there was one protester who summed up exactly what’s at stake in the entire debate about Obamacare - it was the woman who stood up and said that her Christian faith made her support healthcare reform. She said — “As a Christian, my whole philosophy in life is to pull up the unfortunate... So with the individual mandate, that’s what it does: The healthy people pull up the sick. If we take those people, and we put them in high-risk insurance pools, they’re costlier and there’s less coverage… So we are in effect punishing our sickest people.” This idea - that we all deserve healthcare because we are all in this together as Christians - is just a religious-context way of saying that healthcare is a human right, rather than the privilege Republicans say it should be. Which raises the question - if Republicans really believe in Christianity like they say they do - what are they doing trying to repeal Obamacare? Will they end up letting you keep your healthcare after all?