Katrina vanden Heuvel, The Nation Magazine & Jay Harris, "We the People" campaign. And one of the biggest ideas coming out of the Occupy Movement deals with corporate personhood. General Assembly meetings across the nation have put ending corporate peronhood at the top of their list of demands. For example, the Occupy Minneapolis movement's General Assembly agreed by absolute concensus on October 22nd that, "Resolved. That the General Assembly of OccupyMN orders that Congress introduce an amendment to the United States Constitution to end corporate personhood, effectively stating that "corporations are not people and money is not speech." Why corporate personhood? Also approved by concensus was this statement, " It is the opinion of the proposal presenter that of all issues important to OccupyMN this is the most important because corporate influence on government hinders all other progress we hope to make." So why has this very clear proposal caught on like a wildifre among the Occupy movement - what are the consequences of corporate personhood - and how exactly do we do away with it?