Vince Coglianese, Daily Caller, joins Thom Hartmann. That half of the nation is referred to by Mitt Romney as victims...and, in a way, he's right. They are victims. They're victims of a thiry-two-year war waged against working people by the corporate elite. They're victims of a financial catastrophe in 2007 brought on by that very same corporate elite - brought on by the 1%. That financial crash sucked $7 trillion of wealth out of the hands of working people - victimizing them. In 2009 - working Americans lost 25% of the value of their 401k's. But the working people didn't get any help. Instead the banksters and the top 1% - those very same people in the room with Mitt Romney - got help. The 1% and the banksters got a $14 trillion bailout - and today they're doing just fine. And lucky for them they don't have rely on food stamps to put dinner on the table for their family. They don't have to rely on unemployment insurance because their jobs were shipped overseas. They don't have to use Medicaid so that their sick kid can see a doctor. But those 47% of Americans who Mitt Romney says he doesn't have to worry about - those who got sold out while corporate America got bailed out - they DO still need help. And for a man running for President of all of the United States of America - to demean those Americans - to say they can't take responsibility for themselves - is outrageous.