With just a few more weeks left in 2012, we'll soon be closing the book on the hottest and most extreme year of weather in American history. So far, the last 11 months have marked the hottest period in our history, and once December is over, 2012 will officially be the hottest single year ever recorded - averaging a full degree above the previous record. In the first eleven months of this year, 85% of our nation was hit by the top 10% of the warmest temperatures in history. And with the hotter weather, comes more extreme weather. According to the National Climactic Data Center - 46% of the nation experienced very extreme weather. That's more than double the average of extreme weather for the United States. This is what the Carbon Industry's global climate change has brought us. And, more troubling, the global weirding is just getting started, as the National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration warns more record-breaking heat and extreme weather events are ahead in the near future. Tragically, we must prepare for life on a hotter, more hostile planet, brought to us by the oil, coal, and gas barons and industrialists who bought off our politicians, funded hack scientists to muddy the debate, and throw over 2.4 million pounds of pollution into our skies every SECOND with no regard whatsoever for future generations. Time to take higher ground...