Thirty years after her death, Ayn Rand's philosophy of selfishness and billionaire empowerment rules the world. And today, the United States and other independent governments around the world are crumbling while Ayn Rand's billionaires are taking over. Sadly, the understanding of how democratic republics work - and why - has been lost this generation. And Ayn Rand's disciples are making sure the next generation never finds it again. Idaho State Senator John Goedde, who chairs that state Senate's Education Committee, introduced a bill this week that would require all students to read Ayn Rand's book "Atlas Shrugged" before they can graduate. Goedde explained that the book made his son a Republican and that it "certainly gives one a sense of personal responsibility." Between stupidity like this, and the re-birth of Ayn Rand through corporate-funded think tanks and Hollywood movies, the Billionaire Class wants to make sure the next generation buys into a toxic ideology that's quite literally destroying the world as we know it.