The Good! Dennis Rodman. The former NBA star - known for his off-court antics and colorful hair - is in North Korea - and he might actually be improving US-relations with the reclusive nation. According to reports -he's getting along very well with North Korea's new leader Kim Jong Un. After attending basketball games together in Pyongyang, Rodman told Un, "You have a friend for life." With North Korea conducting nuclear tests, and relations between our government and theirs very tense, Dennis Rodman is the most high profile American to meet face to face with the Kim Jong Un - and apparently they really hit it off. So who knows, maybe Dennis Rodman - the man who was once the "bad boy" of basketball - the man once who wore a wedding gown to promote his book - and who once dabbled in professional wrestling - THAT Dennis Rodman - might be America's next top diplomat.