Matthew Vadum, Capital Research Center & Patrick Howley, The Daily Caller join Thom Hartmann. We live in a country where a children's show host has to worry ...
Tonight's "Lone Liberal Rumble" panel discusses racism and the George Zimmerman trial, the ousting of Egyptian President Morsi and the growing trend of companies paying their workers with fee-riddl...
We can't resurrect the 19 firefighters who gave their lives in Arizona this weekend - but we can start to listen to what the scientific community is telling ...
Daven Michaels, "Outsource Smart" joins Thom Hartmann. If you don't like your job - author Daven Michaels has a solution for you: outsourcing. No - seriously...
Former Foreign Service Officer, Ambassador Edward Peck & Jennifer Loewenstein, Middle East Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison both join Thom Hart...
Thom talks with a panel of experts about the unrest and uncertainty in Egypt. Tonight's "Big Picture Politics Panel" discusses how the immigration bill will ...
On Sunday - 19 firefighters lost their lives while battling a massive wildfire in Arizona - and the fossil fuel industry should be picking up their funeral c...
Nathan White, Restore the 4th, joins Thom Hartmann. In the wake of the NSA spying scandal - there has been increased attention paid to the level and amount o...