Congressman Alan Grayson (D-FL, 9th District) joins Thom Hartmann. The government shutdown - the Republican grandstanding - and the latest news coming out of...
So far - President Obama has chosen to take a reasonable approach to dealing with Republicans and the government shutdown that they've unleased on our nation...
Thom talks with Rep. Alan Grayson on the latest talks to end the government shutdown and with former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura on his latest book, "Th...
The first government shutdown in 17 years might never have happened if the Supreme Court didn't open up the floodgates of corporate money with its 2010 Citiz...
Brendan Buhler, Modern Farmer Magazine, joins Thom Hartmann. When you're driving along on the road - and you see a squished squirell or a plowed-over possum ...
The Good! Z-Burger! In response to the Republican shutdown of the federal government - the Washington D.C. - based fast-food chain has announced a new policy...