President Gerald Ford once said that the Nixon presidency and Watergate scandal were part of America's "long national nightmare." What's America's new nation...
David Selig, Selig & Associates, joins Thom Hartmann. If I have 100 dollars in my pocket - and you only have 50 in yours - does that make me better than you?...
Cole Stangler, In These Times, joins Thom Hartmann. The Keystone pipeline isn't the only environment-destroying pipeline project being considered in America ...
Tonight's "Politics Panel" discusses Secretary Hagel's proposed defense budget, whether Medicaid expansion will help Democrats in November and Arizona's anti...
Dave Saldana, "PipeLIES Exposed" joins Thom Hartmann. On Wednesday - a Nebraska judge struck down a state law that gave Nebraska Governor. Dave Heineman the ...
The Good! Rocco's Little Chicago Pizza! After the Arizona legislature passed a bill that would allow restaurants and other businesses to discriminate against...
Neil Sroka, Democracy for America joins Thom Hartmann. The 2014 midterm elections are still 9 months away - but a Republican Senate looks like more and more ...
Rashad Robinson, Color of Change & Craig Aaron, Free Press joins Thom Hartmann. But with the death of net neutrality and the rise of borderline monopolies li...